
Lentil Loaf with Mushroom Gravy

Michael Bauce

Today's Plate
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Just perfect for the season. We placed Lentils in a cooking pot and covered with water. Bring to a boil and then lower flame and simmer for 1 hour. Make sure to check lentils as they cook adding more water if necessary. Cook until soft. Set aside until firm (we let sit overnight). If too firm, add a bit of water and stir. Consistency should still be firm, not mushy. Add parsley, sage, mustard and sea salt. Sauté celery, onion and carrot in olive oil and sprinkle in some salt. When softened, add to lentil mixture. Taste and adjust salt level if desired. Place in oiled casserole dish and bake at 350-375 for 1 hour. Top with Mushroom Gravy.

Mushroom Gravy: Slice Mushrooms and add to cooking pot. Sauté with a bit of water or olive oil and then add more water and soy sauce to taste.  Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Mix kuzu or arrowroot in  small amount of cool water and add to pot, whisking as you pour, until desired consistency is reached. Add more kuzu or arrowroot/water  if mixture is to thin or just water if too thick. Taste and adjust seasoning. Enjoy!

5 thoughts on “Lentil Loaf with Mushroom Gravy

  1. Looks delicious, though we didn’t get how to prepare the lentil pattie. The mushroom gravy also looks good. Thanks Michael

    1. Yeah, I used the pic to highlight the gravy. The Lentil Loaf was made in the moment, no recipe. I could give you the idea, if you are interested. Thanks!

  2. lolol, I am interested also in the lentil loaf recipe to make patties … who ever took that photo deserve an award!

    1. Hi Susan-Thanks for the comments. It was I who snapped that Lentil Loaf pic! I just included the recipe!

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