
Broccoli Spigarelli (Quarantina)

Michael Bauce

The Garden
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This sweet mild green is considered to be the “Parent” of Broccoli Raab. This particular variety (there are literally dozens) has a timely name….Quarantina! I planted a bumper crop last Summer and decided to try again this Summer, with great results. This plant only produces flowers near the end of it’s life, so it is mostly used for it’s leaves only. The small thin stems tend to be a bit pithy, even with young plants, so I often remove them before cooking. The taste is mild, sweet and satisfying.

The only prominent growing region today outside of Southern Italy (where it originated) is California, where it is becoming quite trendy. Broccoli Spigarelli can be boiled, steamed, sautéed or put in soups or salads.