
The Road to Health: Paved with Good Intestines

Michael Bauce

Health & More
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When we began eating fermented vegetables, on a daily basis, we noticed our gut health began to improve dramatically. We pickle and ate a wide variety of vegetables including Cabbage, Carrot, Burdock, Onion, Daikon and more. We peel Garlic and submerged the cloves in Miso for 1 year. We use Tamari, Miso and Natto regularly. We also enjoy eating a whole grain, vegetable-based diet. A Ginger Compress program on the intestines was also part of the healing regimen to restore our health. We never relied on Fermentation alone, despite the hype.

We’ve all heard the news that intestinal health is important. Here’s a brief view of why healthy Intestines are of such value.

  1. Immunity – According to Dan Peterson of John Hopkins University School of Medicine, “A huge proportion of your immune system is actually in your GI tract”. Stronger Immunity makes a strong body.
  2. Absorption – No matter what you chose to consume, if your gut is not working right, you’re not absorbing nutrients. The lack of B12, for instance, may be an absorption problem, not necessarily meaning your diet lacks B12.
  3. Digestion – Fermentation predigests your food, making it not only easier to absorb, but lessening the load placed on your gut.
  4. Inflammation & Allergies – Current studies suggest fermented foods can reduce both inflammation and allergic reactions, as well as auto-immune disorders (National Institute of Health)
  5. Brain Functioning – The GI Tract is sensitive to emotions and stress. Feelings of anger, depression and anxiety may not only be caused by deteriorating intestinal function, but may also contribute to further deterioration. Eating fermented vegetables regularly, can play a vital role in re-establishing sound mental health.
  6. Skin – Many skin inflammations can now be directly related to intestinal health. (Levkovich et al., 2013O’Neill et al., 2016)
  7. Obesity & Weight Loss – Fermented foods can also make you feel fuller for a longer period of time, reducing cravings and overeating. They may also prevent the formation of dietary fat in the gut.

Discretion is Advised

Not all fermented products found in stores contain probiotic bacteria. Many times beneficial bacteria has been destroyed by high heat processing, pasteurization or added sugars. Homemade is always best, but you can also find quality fermented products in stores that will do the trick. We are finding more and more high quality sauerkraut in health food stores and Farmers’ Markets today than ever before.

7 thoughts on “The Road to Health: Paved with Good Intestines

  1. More details about Ginger Compress Program on the Intestines, please. I’ve wanted to do this since beginning to follow Macrobiotics in 2003, and more so after befriending Kaare Bursell, but haven’t actually gotten it done. Do you need a partner?

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