
Millet-Beet Cakes

Michael Bauce

Recipes, Today's Plate
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1 cup Millet

3 cups Water

2 pinches Sea Salt

1 tbs Soy Sauce

2 tbs Tahini

1/2 small Beet, cubed

Few sprigs of Parsley or Basil

Boil water, add a few pinches of sea salt along with Millet. Add beetroot. Lower flame, cover and simmer for about 20 minutes or until soft. Remove from flame and set aside. Add tahini, few sprigs parsley and soy sauce. Mix thoroughly. Texture should be firm enough to form patties (with your hands) that stay together easily. Place patties on an oiled baking sheet and bake at 350 degrees F for 30 minutes or until browned. Experiment with different vegetable gravies to top (we used a leftover cream of Zucchini Soup as our gravy).

What Happened to Millet?

Food habits have changed much in our modern world. Highly-processed and refined foods have taken the place of whole and unrefined ones. We are quickly forgetting our indigenous foods and chasing standardization. Millets too have been discarded as being too primitive to be used.

These changes, coupled with state policies that favor rice and wheat, have led to a sharp decline in millet production and consumption.

“Before Green Revolution, millets made up around 40 percent of all cultivated grains (contributing more than wheat and rice). However, since the revolution, the production of rice has increased doubly and wheat production has tripled.” – International Crop Research, Institute For Semi-Arid Tropics

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