
Homemade Umeboshi Plums!

Michael Bauce

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Umeboshi plums are prized in Japan as a traditional and medicinal delicacy and have increased in popularity around the Globe. They are available in most health-food or Japanese stores, although the flavor is much enhanced when made at home. During the Spring, look for green (or ripe) ume plums, often sold in Japanese markets.


2 lbs fresh green or ripe ume plums

6 tbs High-Quality Sea Salt (we use SiSalt)


Place plums in a glass container and soak for 4-5 hours in cold water. Drain water and place plums in a ceramic container. Add salt and gently massage, being careful not to break the skins. Gently place weights or rocks on top and cover. Store in a dark cool place and check after 2 days. The salt brine should rise to the top. Remove mold, if any. Brine for at least 2 weeks and check periodically for signs of mold (and remove). Remove plums and place on a screen in the Sun for 3 consecutive days (returning to pickling container with brine at night). After the 3rd day, strain brine (this is ume vinegar) and place plums in a sealed glass container.