
Carrot-Onion Sauce

Michael Bauce

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Sauces are a treat and add flavor to grains, pasta and vegetables. We prefer dry condiments, but from time to time create a simple sauce to satisfy. For a basic sauce, try cooking some vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, onion, leek, mushroom make good sauces) in water or sauté and cover with water. Simmer and add salt or shoyu. Experiment by adding other ingredients like grated ginger, garlic, peanut butter or mirin.  Blend until creamy and use as a topping.

Carrot-Onion Sauce

2 carrots, chopped

1 onion, chopped

1 tsp tahini

2 tbs shoyu or to taste

few pinches sea salt

Place carrot and onion in pot and cover with water. Add a few pinches of sea salt. Cover and simmer until soft. Add tahini and stir. Cook a bit more and then blend until creamy. You made need to add more water to achieve a creamy consistency.