
Brown Rice Sushi To-Go!

Michael Bauce

Whole-Grain & Vegetable-Based Ideas
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(photo from summer)

Vegan Sushi To-Go (Berkeley) this Friday Evening This sushi is made from whole grain Brown Rice (short and sweet), Ume (Japanese Plum), Fresh Shiso (a flavorful Japanese culinary herb), Red Turnip Pickle and Wasabi (Japanese Horseradish). All ingredients are locally sourced, organic, vegan and macrobiotic. This sushi is screaming with flavor! A fresh green salad (to get your body ready for Spring) with a tangy sesame dressing and a creamy Lentil Miso Soup are also included.

Pick-up: Berkeley Friday March 16, 2018, 6 PM

Everyone likes Sushi…and everyone loves Marta’s Sushi! Preparing brown rice sushi is an art. This rice is reminiscent of sticky white rice. The Arugula that tops the soup is from the backyard garden. Try this sushi to experience how delicious vegan sushi can really be! Email for more info or to order.