
The Joy Of Cooking (With Kids)!

Michael Bauce

Cooking With Kids
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It has been my 18 year pleasure to spend my time cooking with kids, in schools (k-5), summer camps and private homes. I have observed that even the pickiest of students will eat healthy foods like Brown Rice, Vegetables, Beans and Fruit (if given the chance). In time, their exuberance for these foods spreads at home. Parents love to support their kids and when a child is passionate about a healthy food, things may improve for the entire Family. I have personally witnessed the benefits that hands-on Kids Cooking Classes have given to the entire Community. Since food affects emotions and behavior as well as health, Families have reported improved performance at school; that their child is able to better focus. One Mother offered that serving her Daughter Oatmeal every morning keeps her from falling asleep as the Teacher teaches. Another spoke of less colds and flu passed around as a direct result of eating better.
The 3 Bite Rule: I tell students they must try 3 bites. The first always tastes a bit odd, not knowing what to expect. The second bite, always a bit friendlier. By the third bite, you’re giving the food a chance. Although I mention this rule, I don’t enforce it. In time, all students are eager to participate and sample all the food they prepare. I am happy to advise or help anyone who is considering giving classes to kids. The benefits and rewards are immeasurable!

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